...................What?- Zane Duke

Hello friends and fam welcome back to my channel. Be sure to just read through this as best as you can, I know we're all tired and done with college life. I am at least. Wish me luck as I go to Nashville tomorrow and play in front of a ton of people and get back at like 5am..... oof. Anyways, let's get on to the actual content of this blog post. 
So I'm sitting here reading this love poetry and nothing really sticks out to me that much- I mean there was this one thing that was like a plea to God to humble him and I was like yeah that's cool and all, but then I read this other poem. And dude. It's interesting. 
So this poem starts out all lovey-dovey and Christian like "show me, dear Christ, thy spouse bright and clear" and it's got me going all okay this is nice and cute and all but then you get to the end and THIS MANS HITS YOU WITH THE WORST TWIST. 
The lady is open to most men? What does that mean huh??!! Not on the CHRISTIAN CAMPUS UH NO SIR.
We as humans who seek to glorify Christ are most certainly not about to be no open to most men or open to most women. So excuuuuuse me sir but that ain't right. 

That's pretty much it. I've written all of my brain out in that research paper of ours so you're stuck with special education Zane for tonight. 

Peace out Honors Blogs! 


  1. Special Education Zane still wrote more than man, so don't worry about that! But yeah, i thought that as well about that poem. It see,ed a little odd to me, but what do I know.

  2. I had problems writing mine as well. I just blurted whatever came out because words don`t really work for me after all the work i`ve I had to do. I agree that the poem was odd to me, but again word hurt right now. Good luck playing.


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