Death, you have no power. -Anna Grace Gay

In early high school, I had the opportunity to read John Donne and I read Death be not proud. I really enjoyed the poem then but reading it now I enjoyed it even more. At the beginning of the poem, death is so proud. He thinks he is the biggest deal and rules everything. He believes he has the power to kill people.Sometimes in life I think we let death think it rules everything when really death has no control.God controls everything, even death itself. God knows when we are going to be born and when we are going to die. Yes, people are going to die, no one is going to live forever. But we have a hope looking towards eternity that if we accept Christ then we will spend forever in heaven with Jesus! Death wants us to have fear, to shy away from that reality. But we must tell people how they can live forever in heaven and conquer death. Death was so proud of himself on Good Friday when Jesus died, but hallelujah Sunday came because on that day, Christ defeated death once and for all! 

I commented on Zelda's and Phillip's post


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