Death is Dead - Cade Wood

     I am not a big fan of poetry, but I really enjoyed some of this week's readings! The one I liked most was "Death, be not Proud". I thoroughly enjoyed this poem because it is such a good reminder that we, as Christians, should not fear death. Death is nothing. It means nothing. Jesus died on the cross for all believers and defeated death for us. We do not have to worry about what happens when we die because we know that we will spend eternity in heaven! Our human bodies are frail and finite while heaven is eternal. No creature, living or spiritual, can match the power of God; therefore, we should have nothing to worry about. If He says it is done and death has been defeated, then it is good enough for me! This is not long at all, but my brain is fried from this paper. Four all-nighters later and I still don't think I did well. Anyhoo, that's all I got!

I commented on Zane's and AnnaKate's Posts


  1. I'm sure your paper was magnificent! Anyhow, I had previously read "Death, Be Not Proud" in high school and had enjoyed that one myself. I loved how even though your blog was short, it still had content, so kudos. Finals week has me rolling, but I still need to get these comments done and I have like ten minutes soo.... The defeat of death is definitely a stellar hope for Christians, and it's one that not everyone has. To know that we will enjoy life after death so much more than this life is truly freeing because there is relief in that. Death is no longer scary, and loved ones don't feel so far away.

  2. I really liked your post talking about the concept of death. As Christians, we should not fear death, as it was defeated by Jesus on the cross. But at the same time, we often do still fear it -- because we are human. I believe this is one of the things that makes us doubt God, this survival instinct we have, that makes us distrustful of things we can't explain or understand from our limited mindset. We shouldn't fear death, but we do anyway.

  3. It's so easy for me to sometimes, though I set it stone when I was strong in faith, to doubt the work of God and doubt when I am in suffering or anguish. The question of "Did God really do that work?" comes up when I am experience present troubles because my heart believes, "If God really loves you, he would deliver you." But he has already delivered us from the greatest problem, and even if he never does anymore, it is more than enough.


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